Sunday, April 26, 2015

WELCOME to the Do Nat ORs Clan!

   This is our official welcome message from all of us in the Do Nat ORs clan, welcome! We're glad to have you join our group. We have an awesome group of fun, generous, respectful and welcoming people. Please forgive this method of communicating our welcome, but we are a fairly strict clan and we got tired of typing the same thing out over and over again, only to end up having to kick someone out, or have them leave - and then have to start all over again with the next new recruit.
     So, to begin with we'll tell you a little history. Natronian and TFoster143 started this clan after being in a very strong clan with some of our other current members for well over a year.  However, the leader in that clan reached a point where he was hardly ever on, and chaos ensued.  After trying to stick with them despite the chaos, we just couldn't do it anymore, and thus, the Do Nat ORs were born - in September 2014. 
     As you may have noticed, the meaning behind the clan name is "Donators". We definitely encourage generous donations, but it is also imperative that you honor the nature of donation requests. Which means... DO NOT donate something other than specifically what is requested unless you have permission from that person beforehand.  And, of course... if the request makes no sense, like "Level 6 brown Scooby Snacks" or "Lvl 4+ pink fairies"... Then of course, that means anything. Any level of anything. If you have lower level troops, please take advantage of the opportunities when "anything" requests are out there, and donate generously.
     We are a warring clan, and participation is required. And of course, we really want to, and love to win! Who doesn't?! So, because of that, we also have war guidelines. Including all of the following: we have specific troops that we will donate to all war base clan castles.  We will communicate with the eligible clan members about which troops need to be donated in war base castles during the war prep phase.  This task is typically reserved for the top few ranking members to maximize our overall advantage. Please do not donate any troops to the war base castles other than what is specified. 
     In addition, we have a specific attack strategy during which we assign specific bases for each member to attack first. Then the second attack will be assigned during battle by one of the leaders when you are ready, and depending on the results of first attack, are negotiable. This approach works greatgreat, if everyone adheres to it, and uses both attacks. Our goal is for everyone to be able to 3 star their assigned targets.  If you don't feel you can handle the target that is assigned to you, speak to one of the leaders, and we'll reevaluate your circumstances.  There are times when match-ups are a little unbalanced.  We will send a clan mail with the war strategy for each war during the prep phase so you can plan your troops and attack strategy in advance. Be aware though, many experienced war clans may change their war base set up at the very last minute. 
     We also acknowledge that all of us are busy with our lives, and this is, in fact, a game.  But, as we mentioned before, war participation is required.  So, we have specific set times that we always start the wars so everyone can plan accordingly.  We start wars every Tues and Fri evening between 8 & 9 pm EST.  If you cannot participate in any upcoming war with both attacks, please just change your war participation option to "out" before the wars start.  In addition, please let a leader know.  One of the most common reasons that people are kicked out of our clan is for lack of participation during a war.  We take that pretty seriously, so please make sure your options are set properly.
     In case you aren't certain what your option is set at, click on your profile, and click on at the 'Clan Wars' icon. When you click it, the below option will pull up. Select the one you want at any given point in time.
     With regards to promotions, we are thrilled when we are able to reward a member for their dedication over time, their proven track record of donating generously and appropriately, following all the clan guidelines and just plain being awesome by promoting them.  If you ask to be promoted, we consider that a downfall. Members will be promoted when we feel they deserve it, if you don't want to be promoted, let us know.  Please respect the elders and coleaders and their directives, especially with regards to war base attacks.
     And finally as you may have gathered by now, we are a well, structured, cohesive, but humor filled group of people. Most of us are adults, and several teens as well. We value each and every one of our awesome clansmen, and appreciate a humorous, upbeat, encouraging and most importantly respectful environment. So please keep the drama to a minimum, and no swearing.  If you fail to follow these tried and true clan guidelines we will not hesitate to kick you out. Many have been booted without hesitation. But, many have also been with us for quite a while. We want to enhance and grow our group, and we are happy you joined us.
     Once again, welcome to the Do Nat ORs!! We're glad to have you! 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. already have at least one resident coc hacker in this clan. don't need your noob scripts scooter

  2. i love to play clash of clans you can download copy base layout from clash one
