Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Home Village vs. War Base - what is the difference? And, what is a "Farming Base" anyway??

More seasoned Clash of Clans players were thrilled when SuperCell added the option of having a different War Base, vs. a Home Village.  But, there may be some confusion as to why.  If that is the case for you, this is the perfect blog for you. 

In your Home Village, the most important thing is to protect your resources and/or your trophies.  It largely depends on what your current Clash of Clans goals are.  Some players want the status of a higher level league, and their goal may be that they want to achieve the 'Crystal', or 'Master' or even the 'Champion' league status.  Maybe for bragging rights, maybe so they can more easily recruit higher level members for their clan.  But, if that is your motivation, than a "Farming Base" is not for you.  If you want to achieve the highest league possible, than you want all the trophies you can get, and you will want to protect your town hall.

But, let's first define what a "Farming Base" is.  When you are "farming", you are predominantly trying to get as much loot as you can, and you don't care about the trophy count.  A "farming base" routinely has the town hall located on the outside of the core base, with the purpose of pulling easy shields, and protecting your loot - or "farming" from all your mines with little interference.  The smartest farming bases have their town halls located FAR away from any defensive units.  The BEST farming strategy - is to have no bombs, no springs, no teslas, no archer towers, NO defense anywhere near your town hall.  Why???  Because people who are looking for only trophies will come in with a single archer, or their archer queen, and attack your town hall sparingly, get the win, the single star, the small number of trophies and leave.  Resulting in you getting a 12 hour shield, hanging on to your loot, and maybe losing a small handful of trophies.  But, if you have bombs, or teslas hidden, or defense close by, the end result is that people who are looking for an easy handful of trophies may end up being frustrated, and then let loose and attack your entire base... not only taking your trophies, but taking a bunch of your loot too.  Take it from a high level player who does that regularly.  If you want to pull easy trophies and protect your loot, make it super easy.  Otherwise, us high-level players will take everything.  If you want to make the best use of your "farming base", make sure your town hall is completely separate from any and all defense, in a corner all by itself.  That is the BEST set-up for a farming base, at any level.

Note: many people who are "farming" also dump trophies.  If you've ever been attacked by someone with a single archer, or barbarian, and won a bunch of trophies, it's because your attacker was dumping trophies.  Frequently high-level players will do that to avoid being a target amongst the high-level peers.

For your Home Village, your design will largely depend on what you want to achieve, and then protecting those assets most.  If you want to protect your trophies, then you'll keep your town hall in the center, and your loot storage in the center. Solidly surrounded by your highest level walls, mortars and air defense, and then more peripherally by your cannons, archer towers, wizard towers, and x-bows and inferno towers (when you reach those levels).  Your barracks, camps, mines, and other stuff are really just fluff that can be used as barriers, or even decoys to delay the final star in an attack.  For example, you may frequently see builder huts in the far 4 corners of a base.  That is actually a very smart thing to do, and I recommend it not only for your home village, but for your war base a well.

The biggest difference in the set-up of your War Base and your Home Village is that the loss of loot doesn't really matter much in a war.  You don't actually lose the loot that portrayed in the war, and though it is part of the overall percentage of your full base, that's about it.  Because of that, a solid War Base uses it's defense to protect it's town hall and be strategically set up to make the best use of the defensive weapons. 

One of the best defensive weapons is frequently your clan castle troops.  Especially for the lower level bases in the clan.  It is best to have your castle situated someplace near the center of your war base, so when your castle troops are released, their within walls and can go to town on taking out the opponents attacking troops.  If they're clever, they've deployed just enough troops to draw your castle troops out (See previous blog that goes into detail about that), but if not... you'll have them right where you want them, and your castle troops will be able to wage a good attack on their attackers while they're distracted with their own agenda.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to send an email to:  Best of luck!  :)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Do Nat ORs: War attacks and opponents castle troops

Welcome to the DoNatORs blog! We thought this might be a great way to communicate outside of the limitations of Clash of Clans. I'm new to this method of blogging, so bare with me while I get this figured out... But, since we seem to continually say the exact same things in our clan chat over and over, we thought this could be a useful method of getting info out.

So, first and foremost - it is absolutely critical when you attack in wars, that you first eliminate the  opponents clan castle troops. Clan castle troops are usually (in organized clans) the highest level, best offensive troops available, and often times can completely destroy your plan of attack by systematically eliminating your attacking troops unless their dealt with swiftly, and initially.

So, before starting your war base attack, click on the opponents castle and look at its white circle of range indicator and figure out the the best place to place your troops so that when it crosses inside that range it triggers the release of their troops. In the example below, the best option would be in the lower left area, near the lab & elixer mine.  Also look at your opponents layout and figure out where you want to lure the castle troops once they've been released.  Figuring out your plan of attack prior to releasing any troops can make a huge difference in your success.

When you begin your attack, one of the best troops to use to trigger the release of the opponents castle troops is a single giant. Just one, because it can take really a beating, and you should be able to draw out all of the castle troops before it is eliminated (depending on the castle position and the strength of your giant). WAIT until all castle troops are deployed.  If your giant is eliminated, then drop another single troop (another giant, or an archer - depending on the layout) as far away from the opponents base and defense as possible to try to lure them a good distance from possible damage.

Note: one all castle troops are deployed, and once your single sacrificial troop is eliminated, you can drop another troop ANYWHERE you can and all the castle troops will rally towards your freshly dropped troops.  So, it is best to know exactly where you want to lure the opponents castle troops before beginning.  A distant corner, inaccessible by any of their base defense units is best. 

Once your opponents castle troops have been lured into a safe area and are focusing on attacking your sacrificial troop, then you can drop several archers or wizards in an arch or circle around their castle troops by surrounding them, careful to avoid putting them within range of base defense if possible.

Once you have completely eliminated your opponents clan castle troops, proceed with your attack on their base. Good luck!!